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Dublin Guys Journey

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  1. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    I'm new here, only joined yesterday. I used web forums like this in previous quits and found them very helpful but this was the only one I could find. I know its meant to be for people living in Canada but I hope yee don't mind an Irish guy joining in.
    Im currently on Day 4 of my quit. This is about the 5th time Ive seriously tried quitting. Started smoking when I was about 16 and its become a pack a day habit... sometimes more if im drinking too. Reasons for deciding to quit... the money is a big factor... hate the stench off my clothes... sick of having a sick looking complexion... sick of having and needing smoke breaks and standing out in the cold. I recently started a new job so decided I wanted to start off a new chapter in my life. 

    Im using the patch and the mist inhaler from nicorette. The mist is very strong but it definitely helps quench the cravings when they hit. So far so good. Ive had a few cravings that were strong and I was tempted to go buy a pack but I battled through them and am still here. Reading other peoples experiences really helps... seeing what its like at the milestones. This week I just wanna get to 1 week.. then it will be 2, 3... a month and so on. Hopefully by christmas Ill be used to my new way of life.

    In past quit attempts I allowed the slips to get the better of me... 'ah just one wont do anything'... next thing I know back to being a pack a day habit again and feeling disgusted with myself for giving up what I fought so hard to keep. The head has to be in the right place with the determinded attitude to kick the habit.

  2. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    10 Dec 2021 in reply to dublinguy
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    Welcome. Good for you on day 4. This isn't my first time trying either. You can do it. Each time is worth the try. We learn each time we try. this time im more confident. I have more health concerns. I keep nope in mind not one puff ever. 
  3. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 5 today. The cravings arent that bad but the withdrawal is awful. I tried to have a few glasses of wine but it made me feel sick. Think ill stay away from alcohol for a while till im further into this quit. I bought my second back of patches and im using the spray when the cravings strike. 2 weeks to Christmas Day. What a nice gift that will be to be able to say im quit 19 days. Keep up the battle everyone.. we've got this. 
  4. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 7... made it through my first weekend as a non smoker and im so pleased with myself. Feel great... sleeping fine. Went to dinner with a friend yesterday evening and usually id be popping out between courses to smoke.. none of that. Did get a few withdrawal symptoms over the weekend where i physically had to throw up... im gonna have to forget about drinking alcohol for while while I go through this. I used the mist and it made me feel ill.. but it passed and I managed to hold strong with the quit. Had a few strong cravings too but they went away after a minute or two. Told my mum on the phone that im still off the smokes and she was delighted. I think its good to tell the people we love that we quit just to have their support through it all. 
    Tomorrow will mark 1 week quit. Onwards and upwards. 
  5. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    Congratulations on your first week. Good for you. Your doing great. Ya strong carvings for me are now less often. You got this. 
  6. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    thanks Cindy. really gonna give this one everything I have and stay strong and focused. I feel like im all over this board in every topic but I know this is typical at the start of any fighters journey.. its a way to cope and manage... that will calm down in a few weeks once I get further along.
  7. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well... Ive made it to a week. 7 full days of not smoking and Im so pleased with myself. Already Ive noticed my sense of smell is back. I can smell cigarette smoke from way down the street and my appetite is back. 
    Struggled to get out of bed this morning.. took an extra 30 minutes but Im ok. Putting on the patch is now part of the morning routine. Anytime I feel a craving I rub the patch to try circulate a nicotine 
  8. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 8. Cravings were bad yesterday but today seems a bit better. Struggled to wake up and get out of bed again this morning but still made it on time for work. Gonna get a breakfast roll this morning as a 'reward'.

    Just had the most awful craving there. Was in work and one of the guys who isn't the most interesting or good at explaining things was showing me something.... about 15 minutes in I was like 'oh give me a cigarette' and it kept on hitting strong. Hate cravings like that. Lunchtime soon... I'm hanging on. 
    Last modified on 15 Dec 2021 07:11 by dublinguy
  9. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    Hang in there. You can do it. Stay strong. These cravings can be awful , but it won't last. I'm been trying to change my way of thinking. In stead I say I am strong, I can do this. Or it really isn't all that bad. I also say how proud I am of myself. Give myself a pat on the back. Hope this helps.
  10. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    you are right. we have to keep telling ourselves that we are doing great and not let the cravings get to us. I went for a walk at lunch to get some fresh air and that helped a bit. Could smell cigarettes even though I didnt see anyone smoking. I wonder if ever I was smoking outside and some poor person trying to give up could smell mine and were longing for one? lol. 
  11. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 9. Still hanging on in there. Im finding at home Im fine and the cravings dont hit that bad. But at work they are a nightmare. But Im not letting myself get tempted to go buy any and im staying away from the places i used go to smoke in case someone is there and i tempted to ask for 'one'. The heartburn seems to have calmed down a bit... in past quits i dont recall throwing up like i have been this time. Cant believe tomorrow I hit double digits.... next milestone in the quit. the next after that will be 2 weeks. Really looking forward to going home for the christmas break to see my parents. and im noticing i have more money already. The dashboard says €130 saved already. 
  12. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    Wow, you should be so proud of yourself!  I know how hard those first few weeks are, but you are gritting your teeth and riding the wave.  That takes determination and guts, and obviously you have both.  Bravo!

    It may seem hard to believe, but there will come a time when you realize that you haven't thought about having a cig all day, and you will marvel at that.  Right now, you have invested a lot of time and effort into your quit, so with each day that passes, your quit becomes more valuable.  You have to keep moving forward no matter the challenges.  The worst will be over before you know it, and then you can really begin to appreciate being a non-smoker.

    You are courageous and so much stronger than your addiction.  Believe in yourself, you've got this!  And make NOPE your daily mantra, Not One Puff Ever.  If you never take that first puff, you will remain a non-smoker forever.
  13. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Treepeo1... appreciate the encouragement. Today is day 10.. woohhoo. Ive tried quitting before and left the 'ah shur one will do no harm' lead me right back to being a pack a day smoker again so this time round Im aware of how easy it is to slip. Im beginning to think less of smoking as the days count up but smoking was a big part of my existence for a long time so its difficult to suddenly not have that crutch. Im delighted to have gotten this far.. this is the furthest in a long time. I didnt really plan this quit... I just decided on a tuesday after smoking my last ciggie, that enough was enough and i was gonna try kick em to the curb. 

    Im glad I found this web forum to document the experience. Its a great exercise coming on here and reading back what you wrote... and then reading about what others have gone through.

    Onwards and upwards.. 2 weeks.. here I come. 
  14. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    Day 10 your doing great. Awesome job. I tried to quit before and failed as well. This quit of mine means a lot. You can do this. Congratulations again. 
  15. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Cindy... We're doing great this time round. Every day and every craving battle won is a little victory. I wish this site was a bit busier cos Ive read all the forum at this stage... anything to keep me distracted. 
    Are u using NRT to help fight the battle? The mist is great but it gives me terrible hick-cups... but I put up with it cos the need to light up is quenched. 
  16. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Dublinguy,

    Congratulations on all your success so far!

    I wanted to do a quick post to let you know that Smokers' Helpline also has a Facebook page if you are looking to read more posts. 

    Also, regarding the NRT spray, please try to spray under the tongue or in the cheek to avoid side effects such as hiccups and bad taste.

    Hope this helps,

    Jenna Lee
  17. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks jenna lee.. spraying on the cheek works. I was spraying it direct to the back of the throat and it was horrible.. 
  18. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi dublinguy, 

    Welcome to our little community & congratulations on your 5th quit. I like you was a smoker from a young age. I was smoking a pack a day by the age of 20. After smoking most of my life I decided to quit, not thinking I would really do it. I used champix, relapse several times like you & am now working my 4th quit. Quitting smoking is hard work but so worth it. It is one of the best investments a person can make for their life/health and you are doing it! I’m rooting for you! Keep up the great job! 
    Last modified on 18 Dec 2021 21:36 by wandam
  19. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks for all the encouragement. It really does help. Yesterday was a tough day. I went for drinks to a bar with some friends and two of them were going out to smoke, I was so tempted to have the one but I resisted and hung on. So glad I managed it. Day 12 today. Im amazed Im getting through it. Its mind over matter. 
  20. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 13... the days are flying by. Had dreams last night where I was smoking or other people around me were smoking. I remember this happening in previous quits and you wake up relieved that it was just a dream. Still putting on the patch in the morning and Ill keep on Step 1 for the 6 weeks and then move to step 2. I'm feeling great... definitely more positive about life and stuff in general. The heartburn seems to have stopped at night.. that was really horrible and it made me sick a few times. Jenna Lee's advice about how to use the mist properly has really helped but I find Im not needing to use the mist as much any more. As I said in yesterdays update, it was difficult in the pub when I saw people going out to smoke and how easy it would have been to just ask for one and smoke... but I didnt.. One of my friends was there with me saying 'no ur not doing it' and that helped... and the stench when the two came back in.. stale cigarette smell is really rotten. So onwards and upwards keep on fighting. 

    Im in work now and the cravings definitely hit worse when Im in the office. I used take breaks on the hour every hour to go out and smoke and thats been a hard habit to break. Instead I get a coffee from the kitchen and then buy a fancy cappuchino or latte twice a day... I dont mind paying the 7 euro for them. Im off for Christmas break on Friday so Im just going to aim to hang on till then... Not smoking at home wont be a problem because the shop is a 5 mile drive away from the house and I wont be bothered with it... and plus I know my mum will be telling me how well I look... even if I dont the fact someone says that helps keep the motivation. My sense of smell has really improved... i can detect cigarette smoke a mile away and am glad its not coming from me. Im using my aftershave every day around my chin and mouth so when I wear the mask it smells nice. 

    We have a Christmas lunch today with the crowd from my old job so it will be nice to see them all again as a non smoker. Im really noticing the savings I am doing now as a non smoker. Its real encouragement to keep going.
    Ive read Oceans thread a few times now from start to finish and its so inspiring even though she slipped... Im determinded not to slip this time round and keep the the NOPE affirmation close to heart and mind. 
    Last modified on 20 Dec 2021 06:14 by dublinguy
  21. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    Oh my gosh, it's so true.  After you quit, you can smell a smoker a mile away.  It's funny, smoke itself doesn't bother me so much, but the stench from a smoker makes me gag.  And I am so embarrassed because that was me for most of my life.  So gross.

    When I quit, I sometimes dreamed that I was smoking, too.  And then I was so relieved when I woke up and realized that I was still a non-smoker.  

    With each day that passes, your quit will become more and more valuable, because you have invested so much time and effort in it.  And who wants to go through the torture of those first few days?  I vowed that I would never put myself through that kind of hell again.  And I stuck to my guns.

    I understand how hard it is at work, because I used to go for regular smoke breaks, too.  But when I quit, I focused on what my non-smoking friends did.  I soon got used to having a coffee and a little chat without going for a smoke.  Old habits are hard to break and it doesn't happen overnight.  But little by little, you will develop different, healthier routines, and eventually you won't even think about it.

    You are doing a great job, dublinguy.  I applaud your courage and determination.  Keep up the good work, and give yourself little treats along the way.  Positive reinforcement does help, and you deserve it!
  22. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Treepeo1. Still hanging on in there. I think I'm over the worst of the bad cravings now and the ones I do get don't seem to be as strong or as vicious as they were in the first week. Today I'm 14 days in and it says on my dashboard that I've saved €210. That's incredible... money that would be poof, gone up in smoke if I were still smoking. I feel better, I don't smell of that horrid stale cat pee smell, my attitude is better, I'm not as negative about stuff anymore which is a very welcome change. Friday (Christmas Eve) I'm driving home to visit parents which is 3 hours away and I'm off work for a week for the holidays so I'm looking forward to that. By no means do I think I'm out of the woods yet as I know there are further milestones and challenges I will face and I'm using lessons learned in past failed attempts to keep the focus. How awful I would feel now if I gave in to a craving having got this far. I got sick yesterday evening again which has been a withdrawal symptom I've experienced this time... not as bad as it was either but I hope that stops cos its very annoying. I'm using the spray properly now so I'm not getting the hiccups anymore. Now I've gotten to 2 weeks my focus is on getting to 3. It's all such a fight but I accept the challenge and know I will be the winner once I stay strong. 
    Last modified on 21 Dec 2021 04:09 by dublinguy
  23. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    Gòod for you. Congratulations on 14 days. Stay strong. You can do this. I think your doing an awesome job. 
  24. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Went for a walk during lunchtime today to get out of the office and i was feeling all emotional. The cravings are manageable but that sneaky 'ah shur have the one' is creeping in now and its really annoying. This is exactly why past attempts have failed. Ill hang on in there and toughen up. I feel like having a good cry... lol... and im still getting nicotine from the patch. what the hell is going on. 
  25. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 15...woohoo... I know Im posting a lot in here and talking to myself but it really helps. That will calm down once I get further along and more used to life as a non smoker. Yesterday was a tough enough day... today is a bit easier so far. I know this is a slow battle and i have to be patient with it. Only today and tomorrow left at work and then im off till jan 4th so that will be a nice break to just relax and take things easy at home. 
  26. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    Hang in there. I know it's tough sometimes. But you can do it. I felt the same way a few times. Trying to change my way of thinking. Saying it isn't that bad. I can do this. I'm tougher then that. Believe it or not it really does help. I also say I don't want one, it's just my body going through something. Hoping this helps. It's hard I know but you can do this. 
  27. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks cindy. Supportive as always. I hope your quit is going well for you... what are you 2 months in already? Thats a dream for me at the moment. Rotten cravings hit me today and I was convinced I had covid.... funny what our minds do when quitting. I know the cravings just come out of the blue and go away once you grit your teeth and battle through em. If I didnt have the patch Id be a basket case. Cant wait for today to be over and then tomorrow is my last day at work before the holidays. I usually smoke a load on the drive to home so I hope Ill be ok Friday with that. Ill get some sweets for the journey maybe... its all about being prepared and equipped to fight. 
    Last modified on 22 Dec 2021 08:19 by dublinguy
  28. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 16. will be driving back home tomorrow so ill have to stock up on hard boiled sweets for the journey. 
    Probably wont be able to log in here till Im back so dont be worried if yee dont hear from me for the next week or so... ill be back and still smoke free. 
  29. cindydavis
    cindydavis avatar
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    Happy holidays.  May we all stay smokefree. Enjoy your journey. 
  30. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hey dublinguy,

    Post as often as you want to.  I practically lived on this site when I quit.  It was truly my lifeline.

    I hope you have a wonderful time at home.  Relax and enjoy yourself without smoking.  Your body will thank you for it.
336 posts, 0 answered