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Dublin Guys Journey

336 posts, 0 answered
  1. optimist
    optimist avatar
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    Your landlord sounds like a good guy to avoid, and it'd be completely understandable if you re-think your living accommodations.  Health comes first, right?
  2. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Just found out I have covid. The joys 
  3. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Hi Dublinguy. I had it also. Mine was the mild form. Sick for a couple of days and then just run down for about a week. Hope yours is the same . get well soon.
  4. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Hi Dublinguy. Haven;t  heard from you and was wondering how the covid is going. Hope everything is  fine.
  5. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Hey… I’m still here hanging on. I’m over covid now… tested negative again but I got some time off work and right now I’m down visiting my parents again. Went to the wedding yesterday and when I saw others smoking I was a small bit tempted but I didn’t do it. Thanks for checking in with me… means a lot. 
  6. wandam
    wandam avatar
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    Hi dublinguy, 

    Glad to hear you got through Covid and right on that you are hanging in there with your quit. Quitting is hard work and so challenging but you/we are doing it. Keep at it, you got this!
  7. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Back in work now after almost 3 weeks off. Things kinda slipped again with the no smoking so today I bought the step 1 patches again, a two week supply and will start them again tomorrow. I didn't smoke at all when I was down home till the last 2 days... the weather was so warm and I just felt like it. Then when I got back to Dublin the urges were back again in full swing. Horrible that you can be going along fine for months and then boom... the old habit comes back in full force. I really don't wanna go back to smoking again and Ive just started dating someone new who doesn't smoke so Ive no excuses.
    Theres a spare room in another friends house so in a few weeks I might be moving house again. That was my downfall at 6 months this time... sitting and chatting with the landlord who smokes was too much of a temptation.
    This new place will be a non smoking house so again no excuses.

    Feel kinda down about the whole thing, that I wasn't strong enough to keep going but Im not letting go of this quit having gotten so far. I know I can do it and I saved a fortune. I need that money now to spend weekends enjoying myself. I was feeling great as a non smoker and life is definitely better without them.

    Im over the covid now... thank god. That was horrible. and I was bored out of my mind at home watching crap on Netflix, which was another factor in reaching for the smokes. Damn things.
  8. jenna lee, quit coach
    jenna lee, quit coach avatar
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    Hi Dublinguy,

    As always we are so appreciative of your transparency with your quit journey. We know you use this platform as an outlet to write out the circumstances in which you smoke, crave, and quit. I am sure it brings great insight and self-awareness as it does with to other readers of our community for themselves as well.

    Please remember that feeling disappointed about 'failing' means this is important to you, and that is a good thing. If you did not care about relapses, you would also not care about quitting. 

    In this post you also mention your triggers (other smokers, working) your supports (dating a non-smoker, the patch, non-smoking living situation, covid- free), and your reasons (financial, feeling better).

    Keep up your great efforts!

    Jenna Lee
  9. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Keep on going Dublinguy. Good to see you posting.  I haven’t seen to many people on here lately. Nice to see you are still at it 
  10. optimist
    optimist avatar
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    Hi dublinguy:  Congratulations on persevering with your quit despite a small setback.  We all seem to have those..... It sounds like you have some solid supports that you didn't have before, such as a non-smoking girlfriend and a move to a non-smoking environment.  Those developments bode well for your quit.  Best wishes.
  11. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    19 Jul 2022 in reply to dublinguy
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    Hi dublinguy,

    I know that sometimes you feel a bit discouraged because you have had some slips, but honestly, you are doing great, you really are.  Quitting is harder than anyone can imagine.  Smoking was a really entrenched part of our lives, and it is an extremely addictive habit.  That is why we always have to remain vigilant, and not take our quits for granted.  You never know when that "urge" is going to hit you.  You said that the weather was warm and you "just felt like" smoking.  That is the old habit rearing its addicted head.  Since you quit, you have learned other ways of coping with situations, but it is all too easy to fall back on old patterns.  We've all been there.

    The good news is that you haven't given up and have a plan to get yourself back on track.  I think it will be really beneficial for you to live in a non-smoking environment.  It will help to reinforce not smoking as your new normal.  And dating a non-smoker will also help.  Trust me, if you even tried to sneak a cigarette and then went back to join her, she would know in a heartbeat and no doubt, it would be a real turnoff.  As you know, smokers reek and there is no hiding it.  And your mouth tastes like an ashtray.

    Keep your chin up, dublinguy.  Quitting is a process, and you have come a long way.  Save your money for things you need, and for having fun.  You're going to be okay.  Believe in yourself, and know that I am rooting for you.
  12. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Hi Dublinguy:. Just read your post and that of you friends. I sure agree with them all, but treepeo1 sure hit it on the head. I was in the grocery store , and walked  past a smoker in the aisle. No doubt , you could smell her. Just go back on the patches for a while, keep saying NOPE, and keep up your resolve, You will come out of this stronger  to stay on track with your quit. Happy to hear about your friend and a chance to go to a non smoking place. Both mean a lot. Don't tell your Mom as you don't your ass kicked to the next town Ha Ha. As treepeo1 says, We are rooting for you.
  13. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks for the support guys. Its much appreciated. I'm not back addicted yet so its just a matter of putting the head down and getting back on track again. Defo gonna try and get out of the house I'm in... a new guy moved in and he smokes too. Don't need to be around that getting the smell and being tempted. And no I wont be mentioning anything to my Mum about it... shed kill me. lol.
  14. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well its Monday again and I have my patch on... the step 1 ones. Have to nip this habit in the bud and get back on track having done so well for so long. Next weekend is a bank holiday weekend so I'm heading back home again... defo don't want to arrive in the door stinking of that stale smell.
  15. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Im still here trying my best to get back on track. I was kinda slipping into relapse there for a while cos I was going out to bars and restaurants a lot these last few weeks. But today I felt sick from smoking again so I slapped on a patch and will do my best to not smoke again.
  16. optimist
    optimist avatar
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    Bars and restaurants.....yep.....that'll do it.  So avoid, for the time being.  Especially the bars.....
  17. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    So far so good. Its mind over matter really but the patches help take the edge off. Going to be moving house in about a months time... into a non smoking house so that will be better for me to keep to the program.
  18. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    HI Dublin Guy:  Glad to see you still on here. I understand how you are feeling about smoking, I did that many times in the past.  You still inspire everybody with your will and determination to stop smoking. Being honest with yourself and letting people know that you are human . Glad to hear of your pending move, I;m  sure it will help you .Keep working on your quit and keep . writing . Have a good summer
  19. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    05 Aug 2022 in reply to Fisher Guy
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    Thanks Fisherguy… I do be thinking of you guys and always like to come check in and keep myself updated with whats going on. Ill probably be moving into the new place next month.. already have the key so its great.
    Planning a holiday to  Spain in October.. a place called Nerja near Malaga. Its meant to be beautiful so there is that to look forward to. Still putting on the patch everyday... gonna keep that up for a few weeks see how I feel. I don't seem to be craving them... but its defo the habit when Im out having a few drinks where I get tempted.

    Glad to see your quit is still going strong. My Covid pcr test finally came back negative this week. So that's good news too.
    Last modified on 05 Aug 2022 07:14 by dublinguy
  20. treepeo1
    treepeo1 avatar
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    Hi dublinguy,

    Glad to hear you are using the patch again.  That's a really good idea.  It should help you through this rough time you are going through.

    See what I mean about this addiction raising its ugly head?  Just when you think you are out of the woods, you get the notion that just one wouldn't hurt.  Unfortunately, as we all know, one is as good as a pack.  Even if you cut yourself off after a few, it starts those cravings again.  Smoking is such a tough addiction to beat.

    You have come such a long way.  Just keep putting one foot in front of the other and before you know it, you will be fully back on track.  If drinking is part of the problem, maybe cut it out for a bit.  You can still go out and enjoy yourself.  Just try to avoid triggers.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.  Stay strong, my friend.  You can do this, and you WILL do this.  Believe in yourself!
  21. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well after a few weeks (months) of madness, Ive decided to get back on the horse and give this no smoking another go. Ive developed a rotten cough and its not pleasant and my partner cant stand the smell of em either so Ive those two things to keep me motivated. I feel Im well prepared now and I have a stash of the patches for if the going gets tough. Ive taken tomorrow off work to have a long weekend so we'll see how I get on. I need to start saving money again - since taking smoking back up the balance has kind of stagnated. So Im back... and will be posting about how things are going. Good to see everyone hanging on in there.
  22. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Good to see you back Dublinguy. Good luck
  23. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    You got this Dublinguy. We are all rooting for you. Use nope and listen to your partner. Keep us informed on how you are doing.
  24. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Well Ive had a very stressful week so I didn't manage to quit them last weekend... only have 3 smokes left and I wont buy anymore today. They are killing me. Pray to God that I manage to quit these stupid things.
  25. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Hi All,

    Well Im back at it again cos my partner cant stand the smell anymore and the sweating a night.
    Wish me luck.
  26. jb63
    jb63 avatar
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    Welcome back Dublinguy 
    great to here you are quitting again.  Keep us posted you can do it this time
  27. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks JB. I know the drill so Im gonna stick with it and when I get to the 6 month mark Ill know I have to be extra vigillent. I don't wanna become another statistic.
  28. Fisher Guy
    Fisher Guy avatar
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    Nice to hear from you Dublin guy. You got this. take care friend, Keep us all up to date
  29. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Thanks Fisherguy… my non smoking buddy! Still going strong... I feel better already. Not cranky like before.

    I just picked up an elfman inhaler thing. It tastes like bubble gum. Not gonna go the mist route this time because that was making me get sick.
    Last modified on 12 Oct 2022 09:01 by dublinguy
  30. dublinguy
    dublinguy avatar
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    Day 3 - still going good. I don't miss the coughing. The inhaler thing is good but Im not using it a lot. NOPE always on my mind. Heading to Spain next Thursday for a weeks holidays. Looking forward to not gagging to smoke at the airport. Im using the patches again just to have the support. Life is definitely better without smoking. More energy, more of a positive outlook on everything and not as irritable.
    Long may it continue this way... this time Im gonna do it for good. No excuses... no 'ah just the one!'... NOPE NOPE NOPE!
336 posts, 0 answered